Brownlocks and the three little pigs

Učenici koji pohađaju Englesku igraonicu istraživali su bajke. Pročitali su Goldilocks and the three bears,te nakon toga izradili svoju  modernu verziju bajke.

Učenici su marljivo davali ideje za nove događaje i nove likove u njihovoj bajci. Nakon toga su ilustrirali slikovnicu,a na samome kraju uz pomoć Book creatora pretvorili ju u elektronski oblik.

Kako njihova bajka izgleda možete pogledati ovdje.  🙂



Once upon a time there were three little pigs, who lived in their houses in wood. One house was made of straw, one was made of wood and the third was made of bricks.

One day they went shopping into  Candy village. While they were shopping, a little girl came into their houses. This little girl had brown curls that tumbled down her back to her waist, and everyone called her  Brownlocks.

Brownlocks went to the wood and saw the house made of straw. She entered the house and slamed the door. Suddenly the house colapsed.

Then she saw the house made of wood. She was curious and entered the house. It was very cold, and she decided to light the fireplace. Brownlocks was very careless and the lighter fell on the wooden floor and the fire was destroying the whole house.

Finally she saw the house made of bricks. She entered in the kitchen and saw crisps on the table. She took it and went to the living room. There she played games on Play Station 100. Brownlocks made a huge mess in the house.

Then Brownlocks went upstairs into the bedroom ,she was very tired. She fall asleep in the big bed.

By this time, the three little pigs bought everything, so they came home.

“SOMEBODY HAS DESTROYED MY HOUSE!” said the first pig.

“SOMEBODY HAD SET MY HOUSE ON FIRE!” said the second pig.

Then the third pig entered in his brick house

“SOMEBOY HAS MADE A MESS IN MY HOUSE!“ said the third pig.

Then the three pigs went upstairs and saw a girl in bed.

They were noisy so Brownlocks woke up.

Pigs were very angry.


Brownlocks was very sorry.

„I have got an idea“, she said. 

„My godmother is a fairy. I will call her,and she will create new houses for you!

„YES! YES! YES! „ said the three little pigs.

Brownlocks called her godmother. She came on rainbow and created new houses for the pigs.

Pigs were happy now. Brownlocks was happy now.

She promised that she will be tidy from now. Pigs told her that she can come  and play Playstation games whenever she wants.









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